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The Sweeping Arms of the Sun, normally benign and what brushes the planets along in their orbits around
the Sun, have become increasingly Noticeable since Planet X has entered the inner solar system and
postured into a face-off with the Earth and the other inner solar system planets. Since the Earth's Dark
Twin, sharing the Earth's orbit, has come up behind the Earth a Whiplash occurs during the sweeps. The
plethora of symptoms demonstrating that these sweeps are occurring include power outages or magnetic
flux, global quakes which register as shuddering on all live seismos, strong earthquakes, the Moon going
out of orbit, the Earth tilting or leaning more strongly than before, or episodes of red dust or debris from a
wafting tail.
Jul 15, 2005 Notice: In consideration of a very heavy interview schedule due to the startup of a new Radio Station and the point of Global Quakes happening at the Face and Dark points having been made, no further Sweep information will be compiled and posted. As with Weather and Quake updates after the year 2000, and the Sci-Astro Debates after April, 2003, and the Photos section after May, 2004, nothing has changed, but the point has been made.
A June 8 2005 Medium followed by June 9 Pacific Stress with Jun 10-12 Wake/Midway showing a Folding Pacific. A June 14 Huge accompanied by a Chile 7.9, was followed by a June 15 West Coast 7.4 with Pacific Island stress and a June 17 Big. A June 27 Medium accompanied by Days of Stress.
A May 4-6 2005 Continuous with Panama Swarm. A May 10 Big, a May 12 Big, a May 14 Big, a May 16 Big accompanied by a Kenya stretch/snap. A May 19 Big followed by a May 21 Medium. Month ends with a May 31 Pacific Wobble and Atlantic Wobble.
An Apr 3 2005 Big shows Face/Dark quake pattern, as does an Apr 8 Big.An Apr 10 Big is followed by Apr 11-12 Continuous and accompanied by a Quake Blitz. An Apr 17 Big followed by Apr 21-27 12 Hour Wobble.
A Mar 2 2005 Quake Blitz worldwide followed by a Worldwide Wobble. A Mar 6 Big, then the seismos down around Mar 11 for days, then a Mar 13-15 Pacific jitter. A Mar 20 Big then little activity until a Mar 28 Monster with an Sumatra 8.7 followed until Mar 30 by Global Wobble.
A Feb 2-4 2005 Restless, followed by a Feb 5-6 Result with Deep Quakes. A Feb 8 Explosion followed by Feb 9-11 Restlessness with Volcanic response and Feb 15-17 Continuous. A Feb 19 Big, with Kamchatka jitters and a Feb 22 Big. A Feb 27 Big, with N American jitters.
A Jan 1 2005 Big followed by Jan 2-6 Continuous. A Jan 10-15 Continuous. A Jan 17 Double followed by a Jan 19 Big. A Jan 23-26 Continuous with Adaman restlessness.
A Dec 2-3 2004 Double(s). A Dec 6 Big. A Dec 15 Big. A Dec 18 Big. A Dec 23 Monster with an Tasmania 8.1 and Auckland 8.2 and a Dec 24 Global Wobble. A Dec 26 Monster with a Sumatra 9.2 and Tsunami and larger Dec 27 Global Wobble followed by a Dec 29-31 Continuous activity.
A Nov 2-3 2004 Big on both days. A Nov 8 Big. A Nov 10 Big, followed by a Nov 11 Big and a Nov 12 Huge all accompanied by strong quakes. A Nov 15 Huge followed by a Nov 16 and Nov 18 Medium. A Nov 20 Big followed by a Nov 21 Double and a Nov 22 Huge. A Nov 26 Huge followed by a Nov 28 Double and a Nov 29 Big.
Nov 1, 2004 Notice: In consideration of a heavier interview schedule and more rapid Earth changes, and the point having been made, only extraordinary or pressing sweeps information will be posted henceforth. This Sweep Set page documents that the Sweeping Arms of the Sun occur at regular times, that the dark twin and Earth and Venus are crowded before Planet X and bumping and whiplash during the sweeps occur, and that the Earth has had an increase in earth movement related catastrophes. As with Weather and Quake updates after the year 2000, and the Sci-Astro Debates after April, 2003, and the Photos section after May, 2004, nothing has changed, but the point has been made.
An Oct 1 2004 Continuous accompanied by Long Island and Oklahoma derailments and Philly/Maryland breaks. An Oct 5 Big accompanied by Fireballs and Volcanoes restlessness and Virginia sinkhole. An Oct 7 Big, an Oct 8 Huge and an Oct 10 Huge accompanied by Quakes and Volcanic unrest and London gas leak Springfield derailment, and followed by Oct 11-12 Continuous accompanied by derailments in New Zealand and Ocala and San Antonio and Meteors. An Oct 15 Big accompanied by Quakes and Atlanta and Australia derailments and London booms and Florida sinkholes and St. Helen lava. An Oct 17 Medium surrounded by12 Hour Wobble accompanied by Baker and Los Angeles and Atlanta derailments and an Iowa main break and Indonesia and St. Helen and Colima activity and a Caracas skyscraper fire and a Florida sinkhole.An Oct 21 Medium preceeded by a Seismo blackout and HAARP Spike and accompanied by Phoenix and Montana and Ilinois derailments and DC Rail Split and Ukraine explosion and Hawaii and Virginia main break and followed by an Oct 23 Huge accompanied by Japan quakes.An Oct 25-26 Continuous followed by an Oct 27 Big followed by Oct 28-31 Wobble were accompanied by derailment in Japan and Montana and Detroit and Bend, OR and Myrtle Creek, OR and New Haven, CT and Little Falls, NY and DC, and sinkholes in Russia and Baltimore and Winnipeg, and fireballs in Ohio and Australia, and St. Helens and Vesuvius and Mount Iabu unrest, and water main breaks in Freemont and Boston and Scranton, and explosions in India and Siberia, and 13 Small Plane crashes in the US alone in one week!
A Sep 1 2004 Pacific Triple accompanied by S. African explosions. A Sep 4 Pacific Triple followed by a Sep 5 Huge accompanied by Japan quakes, followed by a Sep 6 Big/Double accompanied by a rare Argentina quake and Derailments. A Sep 9 Medium, followed closely by a Sep 10 Double and a Sep 11 Medium, then the seismos down for days. A Sep 15-16 12 Hour Wobble accompanied by a London derailment and a Boston main break and an LAX Radio failure and simultaneous Volcano eruptions. A Sep 17-18 Continuous accompanied by a Nashville main break and a Mammoth Lake panic, followed by a Sep 19 12 Hour Wobble accompanied by a Scranton sinkhold. A Sep 20 Big accompanied by Baltimore manhole explosions and Buffalo water main break, followed by a Sep 21 12 Hour Wobble and an unprecedented Poland quake, followed by a Sep 22-23 Continuous accompanied by an Australian and Illinois derailments and an Oregon water main break, followed by a Sep 24 Medium accompanied by St. Helens quake swarm and UK Fireball. A Sep 28 Big accompanied by St. Helen upgrade and California quakes and Dubai terminal collapse and Texas breaks and Idaho and Montana and San Antonio derailments.
An Aug 7 2004 Medium accompanied by Yellowstone jitters and HAARP spikes and Meteor spikes with an Aug 8 12 Hour Wobble following. An Aug 10 Medium was accompanied by NEO increase. An Aug 13 12 Hour Wobble was followed by Days of Wobble. An Aug 18-21 Medium/Wobble accompanied by Houston explosions and Derailments. An Aug 26 Pacific Wobble preceeded by Detroit sinkhole and Bahrain outage and Atlanta explosion and a Seattle main break and New Zealand fireball. An Aug 28 Big preceeded by a Quake coverup.
A pattern of 11-11-8-8-8 days between Sweep Sets with a One/Two/Three jolts in each set was noted from April through June but by mid-July the sweep pattern changed to include a Four/Five, the almost continuous activity predicted by the Zetas, so it became difficult to discern the sweep sets. Henceforth, sweeps will be noted as big, medium, or a 12 hour wobble, but not clustered into sets.
- Reverberations of four, then five, then reverberations that pile on one another, so that one does not end before another is on top of it, creating echoes and a lateral spread under the Ecliptic that suddenly dissipates. For those wondering what a reverberation is, we suggest visiting the documentation gathered on what Nancy calls the Sweeps, where planets halted in their orbits before the monster Planet X, coming at them in its retrograde orbit, are battered by the various sweeping arms of the Sun as they are forced into each other and ricochet back and forth.
- ZetaTalk: Timeline Clues, written July 18, 2004
For Jul 25-Aug 5 2004 Whiplash [10 days later], the One preceeded by 12 Hour wobbles and accompanied by by Asian quakes and sweep related Magnetic spikes, the Two accompanied by a Belgium gasline explosion and Illinois heaving road and a collapsing Pennsylvania quarry and Meteor reports and Earth Lurch, the Three was accompanied by Meteors and Art Bell sighting and Oregon alert, the Four again close behind with a Five a day later followed by strong 12 Hour Wobble.
For Jul 15-21 2004 Whiplash [8 days later], the One was accompanied by Worldwide quakes and Arizona crevasse, the Two again close behind, the Three tightening up, coming sooner, with Vancouver quakes, and a Four occurring this time, accompanied by Connecticut explosions and a Washington fireball, the Five was accompanied by Turkey derailment and an imploding Manila and Worldwide heat/drought/flooding.
For Jul 7-13 2004 Whiplash [9 days later], the One was preceeded by 12 Hour wobbles and accompanied by a 5-State meteor and New York derailment, the Two again close behind, and the Three by Worldwide quakes and a Greece blackout and followed by a 12 Hour Wobble and Kansas road pop.
For Jun 28-Jul 1 2004 Whiplash [8 days later], the One was accompanied by Alaska quake and Yellowstone jitters, the Two was accompanied by a Singapore blackout and Central America quakes and Mexico crevasse, the Three accompanied by a Florida sinkhole.
For Jun 20-25 2004 Whiplash [11 days later], the 12 hour stress points on the crust were notable in Venezuela, Equador, Kamchatka, Kenya, Tibet, and Houston, the Globals accompanied on the 20th by SOHO Door Closed and an Omaha water main break and an Alberta Midnight Sun and the Moon North, on the 22nd by another Tilt North and Mammoth Lake jitters, on the 25th by a Florida sinkhold.
For Jun 8-15 2004 Whiplash [11 days later], the One was preceded by Wobbles and Missouri sinkhole and Seattle derailments and Quake cover-up and accompanied by Canadian derailment and Kamchatka quakes and China bridge drop, the Two accompanied by Milwaukee sinkhole and New Zeland meteors, and a distant Three accompanied by Mexico quakes and India derailment and Neutron spike, a similar pattern to the last whiplash.
For May 27-Jun 2 2004 Whiplash [8 days later], the One was preceded by Wobbles and a 3 Day Calm predicted for the Sun and accompanied by Iran quakes and a New Zeland geyser, the Two accompanied by Japan/Korea and Russia quakes but a Coverup at the moment, and the distant Three accompanied by UK Air Traffic grounding, a California levee break and a Seattle meteor strikes.
For May 19-23 2004 Whiplash [8 days later], the One was accompanied by Taiwan and Philipine quakes and Denver radar outage and a SouthEast stretch, the Two by Meteors and increased Tilt/Lean, and the Three coming within a day later by a Paris roof collapse and Radar static and the Corpus Closer and documented Tilt/Lean and followed within days by a Georgia chem plant explosion and Seattle pipeline rupture.
For May 11-16 2004 Whiplash [8 days later], the One was accompanied by a Glasgow explosion and London derailment and Cascade coverup and Earth Wobble, the Two by Volcanic eruptions and Yellowstone coverup, the Three by Denver overpass collapse and X-Ray Flux and Meteor showers and Italy derailment.
For May 3-8 2004 Whiplash [11 days later], the One was accompanied by SOHO Burnout without a Solar Event cause and a Chile quake, the Two by disrupted Sats and Servers with a Tilt North and China and Sicily quakes, and the Three by India quakes. Photos from Italy and New York early in the Whiplash and after show movement in Italy and increased debris in New York.
For April 22-29 2004 Whiplash [11 days later], first a dramatic Philly Lean and Ausie Lean putting the Sun South on the One per Greece photo proof, then a sudden Tilt to the North followed by the Two and Three.
For April 11-16 2004 Whiplash, a Pre-Sweep and an Italy Transit transit show the status for a Post-Sweep, with Tilt/Lean continuing.