Planet X: LARGER than Comparison Star
Steve noted that the White and Red personas of Planet X are showing up
on his 2 minute images where an EXISTING star that is on the DSS charts
does not!
I circled the white light and red light locations on the Sum
image. It looks like the size has increased a good amount as
I think the red light spot takes up that whole darker circled
area. It also looks like the existing star that is just below and
to the left of star 1 only shows up on image 4 and doesn't
look like it even shows up on the Sum. So an example of an
existing star that shows up on the DSS but only shows up
on one frame of these images! With the red and white light
candidates showing up on at least several frames these are
the best images yet and should give pause to sceptics!
Steve Havas
And this is, again, a NEW object at this location for this date, not on
the comparison DSS chart!
Nor are the NEW objects for Nov 11 at the spot Planet X was found on Oct
11, 2002!
And why hasnt NASA, coveting the Hubble images and not allowing the
public a direct feed from the Hubble, tell you about this inbound
monster, causing an increase in quakes and volcano eruptions, melting
poles, and erratic weather going off the charts? Because they dont
want your messy panic! You want personal proof that a cover-up is in
process, just go to an observatory and ask to look THERE, at those
coordinates. From existing ZetaTalk written in 1995.
There will be no end of confusion about the matter of locating
the comet in the skies, particularly if one is trying to prove to
the populace or the establishment that it exists and is traveling.
Beyond the fact that assistance will not be given to anyone
trying to locate this comet, is the resistance that will be given.
The establishment knows it is there but fears the chaos that will
erupt if the populace knows. Those in the establishment who
are knowledgeable are personally planning escape routes and
safe places, and will disappear when the time comes. Those
who are knowledgeable and are concerned about getting the
word out are brutally repressed. They know that any statements
they make will be followed by personal discrediting, vicious in
nature. Therefore, where individuals may locate what they think
is the comet, they will not receive the assistance of those with
access to high powered equipment, as all this equipment falls
under the umbrella of the establishment in some way.
It is precisely this reaction of the establishment that has caused
us to be so very noisy about the pole shift. At least people
should be informed. Then, at least, they can make up their own
minds if they wish to deny or believe, to ignore or take steps,
to prepare or just party the time away. Folks should be given the
option, in our opinion. As we expect our communications to be
discounted by the establishment anyway, we will be allowed to
speak. Humans, especially astronomers in a position to know,
are the ones who will be leaned on to keep quiet. You are
therefore left to locating the comet in the skies, and as the time
of passage nears, being able to direct others as to where to look.
This will be a lonely and fruitless ritual until the comet become
visible to the human eye or backyard astronomers. Climactic
changes - the heating up of the core of the Earth causing
increased earthquakes, torrential monsoons and droughts, and
volcanic activity - will have many wondering.
ZetaTalk: Supressing the Word
Zetas RIGHT Again!