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Planet X: Distance, Speed, and SIZE

The increased size and brightness are in accordance with its rapid
approach and resulting distance, speed, and size.

    When the passage is due in 2003, there is an exponential
    increase in speed during the last years ...
        ZetaTalk™: in Distance

    Weeks   Px        Dist in    Dist in
    to go   Date      S-P Unit   B. mls.
    39      8/7/02    6.68259    24.558
    26      11/7/02   5.2965     19.464
    13      2/7/03    3.1865     11.71
        Table of Distances, by Robert

    The speed of Planet X is suffient to move it from
    one side of Saturn's orbit to the other in 3 short months.
        ZetaTalk™: Slowing Influences

    The Zetas have said Planet X will transverse
    from one side of Saturn's orbit to the other
    in 3 short months. 818,342 mph!

    Assuming the viewable swirl of red dust and moon
    being 4 times the Planet X body size, the swirl
    would be, on Sep 15, 2002:
        3% the size of Jupiter
        33% the size of Uranus
        15 times the size of Pluto
            Computed Size, by Jim