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Re: Planet X: Red Light BENDING as Predicted

Rudolph_X wrote in message <>
> It is becoming more and more obvious that the desperate Zetatalk
> detractors are living in Lala Land. They don't respond to the valid
> issues and points given, and have been reduced to making personal
> attacks on posters because they lack any sound arguments. It's now
> apparent that they don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to
> refuting the overwhelming proofs given. If they have any sound
> arguments, it would better serve their cause to spell them out here and
> now, and not to resort to name calling and personal attacks. But, where
> are these counter arguments? I don't see any thing but insults and name
> calling coming from them... -RX

Try to look at it from their side though... what else can they do in the face of 
strong evidence now once again presenting itself? I fear they are going to find 
the struggle becoming increasing futile and with only their claws revealing to show!

I strongly believe that these Oct 4, 2002 images when analyzed in conjunction with 
the Sept 21, 2002 images and comparing the trends and spots in question with the 
Zeta's providing the coordinates and the where, what, how and when PX would manifest 
offers undeniable proof and hard evidence that there is a new object tracking on 
those images and being Planet X - not noise or bad pixels! This is light from space 
showing up on the images!

Even though the admittedly special case characteristics of this object with what 
the Z's have said and what has appeared on these images may challenge conventional 
astronomical observation, I believe the recent explanations the Zeta's have provided 
with regards to this behaviour as is being seen on the images makes very whole and 
complete sense and is only being proven true through observation and analysis of these 

Certainly there will be more images and analysis from varying parties as the months go 
on and I fully expect the trend will continue strongly with the truth becoming increasingly, 
blaringly, obvious.

The Zeta's have also provided some explanations on the last couple of IRC chats...

(NancyL) ZT: Movement is obvious, and will be documented by you and your coworkers in this 
         effort accordingly.
(NancyL) ZT: Planet X is appearing in only one spot on the images, and what is commonly 
         termed white light appearing at the coordiantes spot given.
(NancyL) ZT: However, there can be ghosts, caused by reflection, that can appear NEAR an object.
(NancyL) ZT: This is a complex subject related to atmosphere, camera function, and even 
         Moon bounce, so we decline to expand upon it.
(NancyL) ZT: Suffice it to say that you should look for the STRONGEST red object in 
         accordance with what is expected in coordinates motion, and in relation to the 
         white light object, and in accordance with lattitude and time of exposure, etc.
(NancyL) ZT: Consider any ghosts you pick up to be that.
(NancyL) ZT: At present, the actions of disinfo artists are to insult and claim loudly that 
         nothing is there.
(NancyL) ZT: There in fact is no organized plan beyond this, as it was know that at some 
         point an object, moving, WOULD be known worldwide and watched, and the silence of 
         NASA and the Hubble on this matter rather obvious.
(NancyL) ZT: Nonetheless, we expect silence to be the plan, as announcing that SOMETHING is 
         there would be to give ZT credit and prestige.
(NancyL) ZT: When it become large enough to be seen by the eye, without scopes, we expect an
         explanation akin to a red comet, red dust, outgassing, a brilliant display.
(NancyL) ZT: The course of this supposed comet will be such that no damage will occur to 
         Earth, of course, as comets are seen as brilliant and have tails.
(NancyL) ZT: But since much time may pass between this current plan in place and the 
         execution of the plan, and since this is in the hands of man, all could change.

Steve Havas