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Planet X vs Sun: Continental RIP Issue

Mankind's explanations for what they term Continental Drift have never
addressed the evidence that this is more like what ZetaTalk has
described as Continental RIP.  Little jiggling earthquakes would not
cause mountain building, and the earthquakes we report between passage
of Planet X are more like after shocks adjusting the plates where the
last crust shift, and the crashing changes that occur when the shift
stops, left them. If the Sun were causing this somehow, by magnetic
changes or storms, then what is the mechanism?  Increased solar wind? 
Mankind argues that the Sun's magnetic field has little effect on Earth,
that they are separate magnetospheres.

    Australian scientists say they have discovered 
    evidence of rapid change in world sea levels and of 
    a dramatic fall in geologically recent times - directly 
    challenging current conventional wisdom. Dr Robert 
    Baker of the University of New England, in the New 
    South Wales country town of Armidale, has tapped 
    the secrets of worm coatings on once-submerged 
    rocks to shake established theory that sea levels are 
    presently as high as they have ever been. Based on 
    height measurements of worm coatings on rocks 
    now well above sea level, and carbon dating tests
    which show them to be as recent as 3,500 years old, 
    Baker argues that sea levels have not been steady 
    since the last ice age, as is commonly believed.
Scientists Challenge Conventional Sea Level Theory
ABC News, December 3, 1999

    R.A. Daly observed that in a great many places all 
    around the world there is a uniform emergence of 
    the shore line of 18 to 20 feet. In the southwest 
    Pacific, on the islands belonging to the Samoan 
    group but spread over two hundred miles, the same 
    emergence is evident. Nearly halfway around the 
    world, at St. Helena in the South Atlantic, the lava 
    is punctuated by dry sea caves, the floors of which 
    are covered with water-worn pebbles, now dusty 
    because untouched by the surf. The emergence 
    there is also 20 feet. At the Cape of Good Hope 
    caves and beaches also prove recent and sensibly 
    uniform emergence to the extent of about 20 feet. 
    Marine terraces, indicating similar emergence, are 
    found along the Atlantic coast from New York to 
    the Gulf of Mexico; for at least 1,000 miles along 
    the coast of eastern Australia; along the coasts of 
    Brazil, southwest Africa, and many islands in the 
    Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. The 
    emergence is recent as well as of the same order 
    of magnitude, (20 feet). Judging from the condition
    of beaches, terraces, and caves, the emergence 
    seems to have been simultaneous on every shore.  
    In (Daly's) opinion the cause lies in the sinking of
    the level of all seas on the globe. Alternatively, 
    Daly thinks it could have resulted from a 
    deepening of the oceans or from an increase in 
    their areas. Of special interest is the time of the 
    change. Daly estimated the sudden drop of oceanic
    level to (have occurred) some 3,000 to 4,000 
    years ago.
Earth in Upheaval, Dropped Ocean Level

    Looking down from space, man can clearly see 
    that the continents once formed a whole. Like 
    the pieces of a puzzle that can be placed together, 
    South America fits nicely into the curve of the 
    Western African coast, and North America tucks 
    up against Europe. All was one land mass in the 
    past, so why have the continents drifted so far 
    apart? And what, in fact, caused the globe to be 
    so lumpy in the first place? Don't planets spinning
    from a molten state assume a circular shape? ...  
    The Earth was once in orbit farther from the Sun, 
    ... This planet, the pre-Earth, sustained a collision 
    with [Planet X]'s entourage of many moons, and 
    thus shattered drifted into a new orbit closer to 
    the Sun. The larger piece became the Earth, with 
    its waters pooling in the wound as a cosmetic, the
    motion of the Earth pulling the waters round, to 
    give a smooth appearance. But this peace lasts 
    only until [Planet X] returns for its periodic visit, 
    pulling at the lumpy Earth. ...  the depth of the 
    Pacific trough is vulnerable, a weak point on the
    surface for the continents to slide toward. Thus 
    we have continental drift, which is much too 
    benign a word to use for the cataclysms that occur.
    The Earth, during each successive Pole Sift, has 
    filled her wound. ...  But each succeeding passage
    found a more vulnerable scene, and the separating
    of the single land mass increased. Why so? 
    Because rifts, driven between land masses, were 
    vulnerable spots, torn recently, tearable again. 
    Increasingly the Americas have moved away from
     the African and European continents. 
        ZetaTalkā„¢, Continental Drift