Planet X: Continental RIP
The Hapgood theory of a sliding crust (caused by the crust being dragged
with the magnetic core of the Earth during a close passage of Planet X,
likewise a planet with a magnetic core) would have the plates on the
move, and slaming into each other when stopping. Historically, the
Pacific shortens, and the Atlantic widens, but before the Atlantic RIPS,
it stretches, dragging down land along its coastlines.
New England SeaMounts Once Near Surface
From Science Frontiers #1, September 1977
Exploration of the New England Seamount chain by
the research submarine Alvin confirmed that some of these
peaks, now all a kilometer or more below the surface,
were once at or above the surface of the ocean. This
undersea mountain chain contains more than 30 major
peaks and stretches 1,600 miles southeast from the New
England coast. Deep-sea dredging has previously
brought up Eocene limestone of shallow-water origin
from the submerged mountain tops, but the Alvin
explorations resulted in the first eye-witness accounts
of dead coral (which grows only near the surface) and
rock samples containing strands of dead algae that grows
only within 100 meters of the surface. The New England
Seamounts have therefore either subsided on the order
of a kilometer since Eocene times or sealevel has altered
drastically. The Alvin dives also discovered a series of
very striking and perplexing buttes obviously the results
of erosion.
Atlantis Mystery Stirred by Undersea Discovery
Aug 25, 1968 Sunday, Miami, Florida
Has an outpost of Atlantis been discovered just 80
miles east by slightly south of Ft. Lauderdale? A Yale
professor of archaeology says this could very possibly
be true. ... announcement of discovery of the top of a
large stone building off the coast of an unannounced
Bahamas Island. It was also said there was another
building a half mile away. It was further said this
probably was part of an ancient city.
Where Buffalo Roamed
Environmental News Network, August 27, 1998
More than 14,000 years ago, enormous bison, camels
and mastodons could be found roaming the Georgia
coastline. At the time, the coastline extended 60 miles
beyond the current Georgia shoreline, and is therefore
now completely underwater. Some 60 feet below the
ocean's surface, scientists with Gray's Reef National
Marine Sanctuary are uncovering remnants of prehistoric
animal life and hoping to find clues to climate change
as well.
The Zetas have explained this stretch and rip as:
Likewise, the depth of the Pacific trough is vulnerable, a
weak point on the surface for the continents to slide toward.
Thus we have continental drift, which is much too benign
a word to use for the cataclysms that occur.
ZetaTalk (, Continental Rip
Continents pulled apart, as in the widening Atlantic rift,
cause sinking land along the shores for several reasons:
1. The curvature of the Earth causes the mid-point between
continents being pulled apart to drop.
2. There is less crust to cover the magma underneath, so
that rips in the crust form at the weakest or lowest points.
3. Ripped crust at the bottom of ocean rifts allows heavy
land along the edge to lose its support, thus it can sink
into the magma.
ZetaTalk (, Sinking or Rising
As we have stated, the Atlantic will widen and the Pacific
will shorten. Where the Pacific effect will cause sudden
and violent subduction of several plates, which are already
subducting, in the Atlantic the effect will be the opposite.
A gulf will appear, with plates torn apart and the softer
magma under the plates exposed to the cold Atlantic water.
Where this will harden the magma, and establish new plate
surface, there will be less support for the abridging plates,
those that attach however remotely to the shorelines of the
Americas, Europe, and Africa. These non-supported plates
will sink, somewhat, bringing their formerly above-water
land masses down under the water in many places. As an
instance, Europe and in particular the western islands of
Britain and Ireland will find itself more affected than some
other parts of the globe.
ZetaTalk (, Sinking Atlantic