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Article: <5fsp6i$ejq@sjx-ixn11.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative
Date: 8 Mar 1997 22:28:34 GMT
In article <3321AF3C.243B@pop3.frontiernet.com> David Hyde writes:
> If Hale-Bopp is not a comet, please explain and prove to us
> what is is.
> "David D. Hyde" <dhyde@pop3.frontiernet.com>
It's been many things in its short life, whatever was convenient to get the public looking AWAY from the real danger incoming from Orion. THIS has been the conspiracy, to get the public to think SOMETHING ELSE has been causing the earth changes. Global Warming won't explain it, as it includes warming of the oceans from the bottom up and magnetic diffusion. So Hale-Bopp was invented, given an orbit and a story line to be backed up by a nova, star clusters, confusion due to the number of unmapped stars in the sky, and on occasion a real comet located by the Hubble.
In 1995, when the "comet" was a convenient nova, which is why Hale-Bopp at that time had no come emissions, was violently "outgassing" too far out, fragmented so that it had "chunks" of the nucleus which never seemed to leave the side of the mother nucleus, had pinwheel "outgassing" that refused to ever disburse, points made at the Canada web site http://www.pe.net/~minnie/
[unmapped stars]
In late 1995 the "comet" was sent, per the posted orbit, into Sagittarius, what the Zetas call a swamp of unmapped stars. This was recently confirmed by Jim Scotti, that astronomers have PHOTOGRAPHED the entire sky, but not mapped it. Thus anyone looking at a particular location could find something to be taken for Hale-Bopp.
[star cluster]
In May 1996 I lurked on sci.astro.amateur and found that when the orbit of Hale-Bopp was lined up in black space the amateurs could not see anything, could not find it. When the orbit lined up with a star clutter, reports of sighting Hale-Bopp emerged. I also noted that David Knisley timed his enthusiastic reports at those times. Recently, in early February, 1997, there was an article in the San Francisco Chronicle telling folks to look so many fist up from the horizon, etc. I figured this was another one of those times, and sure enough, the sci.astro.amateurs reported seeing Hale-Bopp on top of M71.
In June, 1996, the ZetaTalk topic on Hale-Bopp included the Zetas warning that the orbit was being manipulated to line up with a real comet. Remember, NASA and JPL and the astronomers working at the observatories are under security oaths, and agree to work WITH the government on issues that are deemed to affect national security. The public is not getting open access to Hubble images, and there is resentment about this. Imagine the resentment if those with access to the Hubble were finding all the new comets. Surely the Hubble sees these, by the dozens! Then there is the NEAT program, likewise likely to see them first. The Zetas have said that the conspiracy that is Hale-Bopp took the nova, took known comets that the public was unaware of, plotted back into space to select where McNaught's 1993 image would be doctored so as to confirm the orbit. The real comet seen now is another as last June, but it sure is not the giant, 250 times brighter than Halley's at a similar distance, that was purported to be a comet in 1995!
[black space]
Those who looked during other times and saw nothing were convinced they were deficient, as there was a constant patter from folks like David Knisley saying otherwise. Who wants to be called incompetent and get all that paternalistic e-mail from smug David? Shutting up is preferable. Those who DID post that they were finding nothing were blasted on the Usenet, treated like idiots or incompetents, so soon learned.