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Article: <5cmna0$2ir@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
From: saquo@ix.netcom.com(Nancy )
Subject: Re: HALE-BOPP vs 12TH PLANET - the Zetas Explain
Date: 29 Jan 1997 05:30:40 GMT
In article <32ebb365.9808766@news.telusplanet.net> Glen
Scurr writes:
> John Holladay <JNH@msg.ti.com> wrote:
>> Sitchen said (I think it read it in this or the Nostro
>> that the 12th planet will be here around 2012.
> And then they'll have a whole herd of other things that will
> happen in 2020 or 2030 or whatever. What of all the stuff
> that was supposed to happen now or in the recent past? Like,
> during the harmonic convergence of a few years ago? It comes
> and goes, nothing happens, we get a few months rest and then
> the end of the world predictions start up again.
> scurrg@agt.net (Glen Scurr)
More ZetaTalk clarification on prophecies, and their date of 2003 is NOT moving about.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM] on Differing Prophecies)
ZetaTalk: Differing Prophecies
Invariably, prophecies about the millennium or pending geological changes are laid alongside each other with the differences raised up and demands for reconciliation made.
Like the famous story about the blind men all feeling a different part of the elephant, some differences are due to segregation, but most are due either to the prophet being misunderstood or the prophet misunderstanding what it is they have been told. If you had never experienced an eclipse of the Sun but had been advised that one would occur, the message may be interpreted as a day when the Sun would hide, when the Sun and Moon would do battle, when night would come early, when there would be a short day or two short days, or a very short night - but all these statements would be referring to the same pending eclipse. Just so, when a prophecy states that land will go under the sea and another states that the land will rise from the sea, these prophecies are not in conflict with each other, as both situations will occur.
ZetaTalk, being exacting and specific, comes in for a lot of heat where it differs from other prophecies.
We, in ZetaTalk, are giving all pieces of the puzzle, step by
step, and stand here to respond to questions on these matters to
defend our prior responses. Are the others doing the same?
(End ZetaTalk[TM] on Differing Prophecies)
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