- The Earth Chronicles reported that during February, 1995 nearly 400 square miles of the Larsen Ice Shelf
in Antartica disintegrated within 50 days.
- The 1995 hurricanes season is a record for the Atlantic, with the most named storms since the National
Hurricane Center started assigning names in 1953. The previous record was in 1933, when 21 storms were
- Typhoon Oscar, also in 1995, was the most powerful to threaten Japan since World War II.
- 1995 is officially the hottest year on record, in the hottest 5 year period on record, following the hottest
decade on record. The New York Times reported on January 4, 1996 that both the British Meteorological
Office and the NASA Goddard Institute reported this trend.
- Across the United States there were record highs during the 1995 summer, with high temperatures lingering
longer than usual. The Earth Chronicles reported that 566 died in Chicago, clogging the mortuaries in the
worst heat wave in memory, and livestock perished.
- An early 1995 winter appeared in Mongolia which was swept by a severe snowstorm.
- Denver experienced a freak late-summer snowstorm in 1995.
- The San Francisco Chronical reported on November 18, 1995 that the worst November blizzard in memory
clobbered Scandinavia.
- The National Weather Service reported on December 12, 1995 that Buffalo, New York received a record
37.9 inches of snow in a 24 hour period, beating the previous record of 25.3 inches set in 1982.
- Droughts are being experienced world wide. The National Geographic Society reports that Australia has
experienced a 4 year Big Dry that began in Queensland and has broken all records.
- Droughts are occurring in areas not previously experiencing them, such as the state of New Jersey in 1995.
- A deluge in China's Guangxi region during a 1995 dry season washed away 10,000 head of livestock.
The Weather Watch extreme weather map at the end of 1995 looked like this: