Authors repeating Sitchin's claim include:
- Walter-Jörg Langbein: Bevor die Sintflut kam. Langen Müller, Munich, 1996.
- Bruce Rux: Architects of the Underworld: Unriddling Atlantis, Anomalies of Mars,
and the Mystery of the Sphinx. Frog Ltd., Berkeley,1996.
- Giuseppe Filotto: The Face on Mars. Exact Print, Gardenview (South Africa), 1996
- Tom Van Flandern: Dark Matter, Missing Planets & New Comets. North Atlantic
Books, Berkeley, 1993; second printing.
- Jim Marrs: Alien Agenda: The Untold Story of the Extraterrestrials Among Us.
HarperCollins, London, 1997.
- R. Joseph: The Evolution of Life on Other Planets. University Press, San Jose,
- Joseph Jochmans: Time Capsule: The Search for the Lost Hall of Records in
Ancient Egypt. Alma Tara Publishing, Rock Hill, 1996.
- Alan Alford: Gods of the New Millennium. Eridu Books, Walsall, 1996; Hodder &
Stoughton, 1997.
- Andrew Collins: From the Ashes of Angels. Michael Joseph, London, 1996.
- Colin Wilson: From Atlantis to the Sphinx. Virgin, London, 1996.
- Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock: Keeper of Genesis. Wm. Heinemann, London,
1996. (Published in North America as The Message of the Sphinx. Crown, 1996;
Doubleday Canada, 1996.)
- Graham Hancock: Fingerprints of the Gods. Wm. Heinemann, London, 1995.
- Peter Lemesurier: The Great Pyramid: Your Personal Guide. Element Books,
Shaftsebury, 1987.
- Erich von Däniken: Die Augen der Sphinx. Bertelsmann, Munich, 1989. (Now
published in English as The Eyes of the Sphinx. Berkley Books, New York, 1996.)
- Johannes von Buttlar: Adams Planet. Herbig, Munich, 1991.