We've had all kinds of reactions posted, to suggesting that an organized effort to run busses into cities and pick
up anyone left there (looking to be a savior) to asking who will take in these folks or others in the group who
don't have funds (looking to be saved). In between are most folks who are concerned, and rightly so, with their
own and their families survival and after that are thinking about helping others. Many of us are strong enough
to think about helping others among their top priorities.
In any discussion about how to prepare, etc., one must sort out their mission.

- Do they want to go where the most death and injury will occur, to help others die easy, and likely
themselves go out in the process? Then they should go to the earthquake zones, into the cities, and
stockpile medicine or pain killers or whatever. Keep a backpack so you can travel to your family when
the time comes to leave.
- Do they want to direct traffic for the majority of survivors who will not have prepared? Stock up on rice
and beans and dried milk and large tents, and prepare to have none left over for yourselves. Perhaps you
will to leave to a site with the last group going, or be yourself left in the lurch.
- Do you want to form a high tech community to act as seeding of food and technology to others? Keep your
group small, your plans secret, and be cautious in your approach to other groups. Think of survival, not
assisting, during your preparations, so you will be there for others.
- Do you just want your family and close friends to survive, as in your present situation they will surely
not? You must worry about that, as no one else is likely to. Think in terms of mobility, the basics, and
keep your group down to those you know well.
Bottom line, depending upon the mission, the plans will be different!
Offered by Nancy.