Design 1
Steam Engine Design #1
Under Construction!
The principal idea is to be able to utilize existing internal combustion engines found in late model
gasoline automobiles.
This page deals only with the Engine and assumes that a suitable steam source is available along with
suitable fuel to produce the steam.
Design #1 proposes to utilize existing internal combustion engines, whether gasoline or diesel, as
- Replace the carburetor with an adapter who's connection to the intake manifold is produced by
creating a template using the carburetor/intake manifold interface. This adapter shall be at least 5/8"
steel stock with a central orifice to which is welded a 3/4" female standard thread coupler which
can connect to standard threaded black steal 3/4" pipe, which will provide steam to the intake
- Replace the camshaft and crankshaft coupling with a 1:1 coupling such that one revolution of the
crankshaft produces one revolution of the camshaft(s).
- Modify the camshaft (or two camshafts in the case of a "V" configuration engine) as follows:
- remove the existing camshaft lobes, preferably by grinding; or by beans of an oxygen/acetylene
cutting torch and then grinding smooth, preferably by utilization of a metal lathe.
- create new cams as follows:
- utilizing at least 5/8" thick steel stock
- layer one upon the other the number of stock pieces required
- using a cam template dimensioned as shown in Figure 1a (note that specific dimensions
will be dependent upon the particular engine being modified), shape the stock as
prescribed by the template using a combination of oxygen/acetylene cutting torch and
grinding; providing the prescribed opening just large enough to slide over the modified
lobe-less cam shaft(s)
- position the completed and polished cams as specified in Table 1a
- attach the positioned cams by means of electric welding ensuring that nothing incidental to such
welding interferes with any part that comes in contact with the cam surface or interferes with
any oil port
- Replace the modified cam shafts and adjust the cam to valve interface using normal specifications
for that particular engine.
- Throttle control shall be controlled by articulating a valve controlling steam flow into the intake
- Discharge from the exhaust manifold shall be allowed to escape for the initial prototype and latter
re-injected into the steam generation system once the engine design has been perfected
The conceptual design of this engine is depicted by Figure 1.
Figure 1
Engine Design #1

Send mail to Ron with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: December 9, 1998