John's Results
- Well, the corn is flourishing in the backyard (most stalks are 10 feet tall) right now with
the warm temperatures and our watering. The interesting thing is the color of the strands
from the ears is red. No one has ever seen anything like that around here. Please
understand that there are thousands of acres of corn around here so this has several
locals "interested" and is adding to our "interesting" reputation. I can only assume that
the organic corn seeds are for red corn. We will find out when the ears are ready...
probably a week from now. If anyone else has a similar scenario, loved to here about it.
When harvesting corn for seed, the plan is to just take the ear of and let it dry out?
One more thing, we planted one of the seeds labeled beans and I can tell you that what is
coming up is like nothing I've ever seen, nor anyone else around here... though one
person thinks it's just a gigantic weed. Today it's approximately 5 feet tall with big
almost round leaves coming out of it in every direction. It is now starting to flower -
yellow is all we see at this point... anyone know what we have?
- John
- White corn typically has red 'hair' (the silk turns red as the kernels
mature). You should let it dry out on the stalk as much as possible.
Harvest when the stalks are completely dried out. Then you will need to
lay the shucked ears out in the sun for a week before attempting to remove
the kernels. Your bean story is scary. Did you plant more of this bean, or
just the one seed? As a general rule, you should remove any plants that
display anomalous characteristics. This will prevent genetic mutation in
your varieties and also eliminate disease. Which variety did you plant?
- Roger