Hand Tools
There are useful primitive hand tools. The tools in this photo
are a bit scarce now but can be found if you keep an eye open
for them.
- A brace and set of bits are shown lower left. This is useful
for drilling large holes by hand. Uses after the pole shift
could range from holes for legs for log furniture to holes in
the top roof logs for building a log cabin. The logs that
cross to form the top or peak roof line are usually fastened
together with wooden or metal pins. A round wood
branch, reinforcing rebar rod or large bolt would work for
the pin. The hole could be drilled in the log with this
brace. The longer the bits you find the bigger the log you
can drill. A "T" shaped handle for large bits is some times
available. If you find one, buy it. It makes it easier to turn
for large holes. Typically for a log cabin the logs are split
in half and notched to rest on the lower logs at most places
except the very top of the roof line.
- On the right in the picture is shown a smaller hand drill. This is for small holes in wood and light metal.
- At the top of the picture is shown a hand pull type knife for planing and smoothing wood.
For light construction after the pole shift a minimum set of other useful, and more commonly available hand tools,
should be saved. These could include: different sizes of wood chisels, hand wood and metal saws, claw hammer,
sledge hammer, several sizes of wedges for splitting logs, ax for chopping wood, cross cut saws of various sizes,
wood and metal hand files of all sizes and shapes, a vice and several large C-clamps.
Offered by Mike.
I might add that pawn shops and yard sales are an excellent place to find these kinds of tools. I guess those that
sell or pawn their tools, get rid of the "most useless" ones first. I saw everyone of those tools just the other day at
a local pawn shop. (I already own tools like this).
Offered by Clipper.