Various Troubled Times members have had some
thoughts on how to meet special clothing needs during the pole
shift and Aftertime.
- Clothing for the hands and feet, for the
cold, and for fire are the only special purpose
cloths that should be needed.
- As the fauna and flora will remain the
same, and many cultures have learned to live off the
land, perhaps it is skills and knowledge that need to be
accumulated, not material goods.
- Good boots that are waterproofed are
survival boots.
- Being a person who lives in a wintry
climate, my only suggestion that we haven't yet done is
buying everyone a pair of Sorel boots. They keep your
feet warm down to -40 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition,
mittens not gloves should be purchased.
- We must think beyond Reboks, jeans, and T
Shirts, to something good enough to venture away from our
shelters in as the need arises, i.e. bring in a
straggler, water, repairs, food gathering, etc. Now as
the climate for some could switch to deepest winter
permanently, and in all cases we can expect rain, extreme
wind, heat possibly fire, I don't think a K-Mart raincoat
is going to do the job.
- I think a divers outfit would do on
some occasions. I remember when a friend of mine was a
diver for some time, and once he went diving in a
mountain lake in December! It was freezing outside, but
he said he was warm and dry in a lake that had an ice
crust on it. Perhaps this would be an ideal outfit for
cold pole shift times with continuous rains.