Other Cycles
According to the September 10, 1996 issue of the Seattle Times:
- The lodgepole pine forest suddenly died 10,900 years ago (3633 x 3). The weather here changed so fast and so
severely that the forest of the lodgepole pine that had succeeded Ice Age glaciers died in a blink. This is catastrophic
climate change, said paleobotanist Richard Hebda. 900 years later, the climate was back to normal.
- Ice Age glaciers retreated from the Seattle area 14,000 years ago (3500 x 4)
Page 22-23 of Early Man in the New World by Kenneth MacGowan (1950) shows charts of major glacial changes 18,000
years ago (3600 x 5), 25,000 years ago (3570 x 7), 40,000 years ago (3636 x 11), and 65,000 years ago (3611 x 18)!
According to Encarta:
- The Dalton era, which started about 10,500 (3500 x 3) years ago and lasted about 1,000 years in Arkansas.
- The first animals used in husbandry were domesticated in southwest Asia 11,000 years ago (3636 x 3).
- Most sequoias suffered extinction 11,000 years ago (3636 x 3)
- About 11,000 years ago (3636 x 3), the axis of the earth pointed so as to give the northern hemisphere colder winters
and warmer summers.
- Norway was inhabited 14,000 (3500 x 5) years ago.
- Indianapolis is located on the Tipton Till Plain, an area of flat to gently rolling land shaped 18,000 (3600 x 5) years
- The peak of the last ice age was 22,000 (3667 x 6) years ago.
- The Great Salt Lake is a shallow remnant of Lake Bonneville, a large deep freshwater lake that occupied much of
western Utah and parts of Nevada and Idaho from approximately 50,000 (3571 x 14) years ago to approximately
25,000 (3571 x 7) years ago.
According to an October 9, 1998 article from the Associated Press and Science magazine, a major ice age occurred 22,000
years ago(6 x 3666).
Researched by John.