3,600 Years Ago
The Canaanites earliest real presence was 1550 BC (Source: The Canaanites by John Grey)
According to the World Book Encyclopedia:
- An unknown civilization with an alphabet that has yet to be deciphered lived in the Indus Valley (W.
Pakistan). Around 1500 BC they disappeared.
- Around 1500 BC a civilization arose on the banks of the Hwang Ho river in north central China.
According to Encarta:
- The 1st dynasty of Babylon ended in 1595 BC.
- In the Semitic culture, Hyksos was deposed in 1570 BC, and the Jewish exodus led by Moses happened
shortly thereafter. This featured a river Nile filled with blood and water they could not drink.
- The Cycladic settlement on the island of Thera was destroyed by a great volcanic eruption about 1500 BC.
- Hittite internal strife caused great disorder and ended in 1525 BC with King Telipinu.
- China gave birth to one of the earliest civilizations and has a recorded history that dates from some 3,500
years ago.
- Pottery pieces found in Fiji suggest the islands were settled in the west from Melanesia at least 3,500 years
- Iron manufacturing originated about 3,500 years ago when iron ore was accidentally heated in the presence of
- The Tongon and Samoan islands were probably settled from Fiji about 3,500 years ago.
According to M.I. Farley, author of Early Greece, 1970:
- There was total catastrophe all over Crete about 1400 BC
- The Santorini eruption (about 1500 BC) was several times greater in scope than the 1883 Krakatoa eruption.
The book Ancient Europe by Stuart Pigget (1965) states that around 1500 BC, Zimbabwe, and Dhlodhlo were
In Lost Cities of Africa by Basil Davidson, King Shamba Blongongo abolished a standing army and knife throwing
in 1600 BC.
According to Earth in Upheaval by Velikovsky
- Research by W. A. Johnston of the Niagara River bed disclosed that the present channel was cut by the falls
less than 4000 years ago. Careful study of the Bear River delta by Hanson showed the age of this delta was
3,600 years.
- A study by Claude Jones of the Great Lakes showed that these lakes have existed only 3,500 years. This is
confirmed by several geographic historical maps of Michigan available in Michigan libraries. Gales
obtained the same result on Owen Lake in California. Van Winkle obtained the same result on Abert and
Summer lakes in Oregon.
- Radiocarbon analysis by Libby also indicates that plants associated with mastodons in Mexico are probably
only 3,500 years old. Similar conclusions concerning the late survival of the Pleistocene fauna were drawn
by various field workers in many parts of the American continent.
- From observations on beaches throughout the world, Daly concluded that there was a change in the ocean
level, which dropped sixteen to twenty feet 3,500 years ago. Kuenen and others confirmed Dalys findings
with evidence derived from Europe.
According to Stuart Struever and Felicia Antonelli Holton, authors of the Koster Settlement in Koster, IL. It is
apparent that people occupied Horizon 4 for a much shorter time and less intensely than the other levels. They
were referring to the site that began in 2000 BC. Other earlier sites ranged from 3900-2800 BC, and then 5000
Researched by John.