Helpful Insects
- Helpful predators around the home include frogs, spiders, ladybugs, praying mantises,
and dragonflies. Keeping these beneficial creatures around can help you reduce pest
- Millennium-Arc
We have a swamp behind us and when we moved in 10 years ago we expected mosquito
city (as did everyone else) and put in a screened porch because we were sure they would
be unbearable. In 10 years, I can honestly say we've had one bad mosquito day. In 10
years. That's because we have an incredible number of frogs, spiders, ladybugs,
dragonflies, turtles, blue herons, ducks, geese and swans -entire ecosystem, and it stays in
balance. The only thing out of balance right now is those stupid black flies that are worse
this year than any other, much more heat this year than any other. We were prohibited
from "cleaning" up the pond because it was deemed a migratory feeding ground prior to
us moving in 1989. Best thing that ever happened.
Offered by John.
- Spiders
- Generally speaking, arachnids are good. Most of them are carnivorous. There are a
few species that are herbivorous. Properly identifying and categorizing your green
spiders would take more info, but you should be able to determine their value with a
little observation. Do they have a web? Does this web look like it is designed to
capture insects or is it more of a warning device? Watch the little dudes themselves,
do they stay in one place or are they moving about and appear to hang out near the
undersides of leaves or stem joints?
- Herbivorous arachnids will either collect plant material for later consumption or
feed directly off of the vital juices in the plant, i.e.,chiggers and spider mites. Of
course the only chiggers that feed off of plants are the males! The bottom line is,
leave them be unless they are over-running your plants. Nature will take its course
and if they are bad, they will be eaten by something good. If they are overpopulating,
kill some of them off.
- Ants
- Ants are the housekeepers of nature. They collect dead plant material and insects.
They can be a nuisance, but by and large, they are good. Some ants are aphid farmers
and these ants would be considered bad as they work in a symbiotic capacity with
the aphids, they offer protection from aphid predators in exchange for aphid milk.
Also some ants will collect seeds for food. This can be bad, especially if the seeds
they are collecting are the ones you just planted!
Offered by Roger.