Books on Disaster Preparedness
- American Survival Guide
- This informative magazine that covers blacksmithing; making your own disaster shelter (May 95); rigging
emergency antennas (May 96); primitive fishing techniques, building your own straw bale home, and
lightning: avoiding/surviving the strike (April 97); non lethal self-defense options, security with Shiloh
Shepherds, improvised rappelling, and curing headaches: try G-Jo Accupressure (May 97); land navigation,
rice: feeding the world, best available gas masks, and dangerous American snakes (July 97); basic three
survival tools, and dome homes (Aug. 97); indigestion first aid, Amazon jungle survival (Sept. 97); aquatic
wild edibles, search and rescue guard dogs (Oct. 97). The magazine sells for $3.95 U.S. & $4.95 in Canada.
It is insightful and informative and covers a broad range of topics some including weapons, first-aid shelters
Survival over all.
- Earthquake
- An excellent booklet on earthquake preparedness. Write for a copy to. Newcastle City Council, P.O. Box
489, Newcastle, N.S.W.2300, Australia.
- Elementary Seismology
- Published by W.H. Freeman, New York City, 1958, by Charles Richter. Covers earthquake dynamics,
animal and weather relationship. Published before the theory of plate tectonics.
- Emergency Planning for Family, Home, Workplace and School
- By Fryar Calhoun . Cost is $2.95 32 pages, 8.5 x 11, ISBN 0-9625335-1-3. Much of what is written applies
not only to earthquakes, but afterwards. Describes what to do when you're at home after a major incident.
Addresses the basic issues of sanitation, water, food, etc. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com
(Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- To find out more about disasters and steps you can take to prepare, FEMA has information on natural
disasters, technological disasters, earthquake preparedness, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and winter
- Making the Best of the Basics
- By James Talmage Stevens. A family preparedness handbook.
- No Such Thing As Doomsday
- By Phillip Hoag, includes in-depth coverage of underground shelter options, long-term food storage, remote
power systems, air filtration, and psychological and medical considerations. Based on the author's personal
experience in building and operating a large group shelter.
- Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country
- By Peter Yanev. Detailed descriptions with drawing of what happens during earthquakes, and how to brace
for them. For a California audience but applicable everywhere. ISBN O-87701-216-4. Chronical Books,
275 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103.
- Perils of a Restless Planet
- By Ernest Zebrowski, published by Cambridge University Press, $24.95. Draws upon actual events from
ancient to present times. Focusing on basic scientific inquiry, technological innovation, and public policy
about natural events.
- SAS Survival Handbook
- By John Wiseman, which includes information on how to operate after such disasters as earthquakes and
nuclear attacks. Collins Publishers San Francisco, 1160 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, (415)
788- 4111.
- Survival: A Manual That Could Save Your Life
- By Chris & Gretchin Janowsky (Paladin Press). This book is geared toward long-term survival in typical
North American environments. Chris runs the World Survival Institute in Tok, Alaska and is a regular
contributor to the American Survival Guide. The WSI can be reached at (907) 883-4243 or by writing to
Box 394C, Tok, Alaska, 99780. He also produces videotapes, including a set of 5 combat martial arts tapes,
and 5 emergency response tapes.