Books on Medical Treatment
- Book for Midwives: A Manual for Traditional Birth Attendants and Midwives
- By Klein. Hesperian Foundation. ISBN 0942364228 Best book of its kind. Safe childbirth in a low tech environment with minimal backup.
- [The] The Complete Book of Dental Remedies
- By Flora Parsa Stay, DDS. In addition to traditional dental remedies it includes homeopathic remedies, herbs, and nutritional supplements, dental
first aid and mouthwash recipes. The book is published by Avery Publishing Group: 120 Old Broadway, Garden City Park, NY 11040,
1-800-548-5757, ISBN 0-89529-657-8, $11.98 at Vitamin World, or $15.95 Publisher.
- Ditch Medicine
- By Richard L. Coffee. Published by Paladin Press, Boulder, Co. 1993 ISBN 0-873464-717-3. $25 An excellent guide for pre-hospital care
givers in treatment of trauma associated with conflict, especially penetrating trauma and burns. Covers wound closure, infection control, chest
injuries, pain control during operative procedures, burns, etc. Not a first-aid book, and presupposes a fairly broad medical exposure.
Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Do-It-Yourself Medicine
- By Ragnar Benson. How to find and use antibiotics, painkillers, anesthetics, and other drugs without costly Prescriptions or Hospitals. How to
secure the latest antibiotics, painkillers, anesthetics and other drugs - as well as needles, IV kits, splints and equipment - from animal health
centers, foreign pharmacies, military dispensaries, mail order houses, dentists and other unconventional sources. Instructions for using these
supplies to treat cuts, burns, gunshot wounds, fevers, broken bones, infections and other maladies. 128 pages. $20.00
- Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured
- By the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. The classic textbook for Emergency Medical Technicians, sometimes called the "Orange
Book". Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Emergency War Surgery
- Bowen. 1994 ISBN 0788102915 $60 Excellent book but very technical.
- Emergency War Surgery : US revision of NATO Handbook
- G.P.O 1988 $50 ISBN 9999814328. The do-it-yourself surgery guide. Designed for junior doctors with minimal trauma experience going into a
war zone. Starting to be a little dated, but the basics dont change.
- Gray's anatomy
- A very good text on human anatomy and physiology, highly recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on
- Home Chiropractic Handbook
- By Dr. Karl V. Holmquist. An understanding of how to attain and maintain better health through the principle of Chiropractics in a way that can
be applied in their home. 194 pages. $22.00
- How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies
- By Therese A. Rando Ph.D., Bantam Books. Includes topics on loss of a child, helping children cope and sudden versus anticipated loss.
Offered at Amazon.COM.
- Hypothermia: Killer of the Unprepared
- By Theodore G. Lathrop, M.D. A thin pamphlet published by The Mazamas, a climbing group. Case studies, warning signs and prevention
advice. Quick, effective way to become clued about this lethal problem. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on
- [The] Joy Book
- Effective step-by-step instructions on how to reprogram the subconscious to heal yourself and control the psychosomatic part of any physical
illness. For when traditional medical treatment may not be available. Prem Raja Raba, PO Box 100, McCloud, CA 96057.
- Management of Wilderness and Environmental Emergencies
- By Ed Auerbach $175.
- Mosbys Medical Dictionary
- By Anderson 1993 $30, a good medical dictionary.
- Mosbys Paramedic Textbook
- By Sanders $50, an emergency medicine reference, textbook of paramedic care.
- [The] Official Pocket Medicinal Plant Survival Manual
- By Robert W. Pelton. Compact and profusely illustrated. 250+ pages. $12.00
- [The] Official Pocket Medical Survival Manual
- By Robert W. Pelton. A compact, practical, quick reference guide. Profusely illustrated. 280 pages. $12.00
- Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties
- By Collier. Oxford University Press. 1993 $25 as above except covers the specialties including OBGYN, pediatrics, orthopedics and
- Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
- By Hope. Oxford University Press. 1995. $25 excellent coverage of basic medical principles aimed at the junior doctor level.
- Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine in General Practice
- By Lawrence. Oxford University Press. 96. $30 good coverage of the basics of emergency medicine in easy to read format.
- Ships Captains Medical Guide
- Her Majesty's Stationary Office. 1983 Covers the management of most common problems in an excellent format, designed for ships isolated at
sea. Also good description of drugs and when to use them.
- Special Forces Medical Handbook
- This is a reprint of a US Army training handbook, and covers many medical techniques as they apply to unconventional operations. Chapters on
sterilizing under field conditions, and field dentistry and obstetrics are especially good. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A.
De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- US Special Forces Medical Handbook
- Paladin Press. 1987 A little dated but still an excellent book. Even the new edition is still not completely up to date. But its strengths overcome
this. Good coverage all areas including surgery, dentistry and preventive medicine.
- Where There is No Dentist
- By Murray Dickson. Published by The Hesperian Foundation, Palo Alto, CA, 1983. 188 pages. Paperback ISBN: 0- 942364-05-8. $9 A
companion book to Where There is No Doctor. It contains information on basic dental procedures for non-dentists. Recommended by
decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism. An Online Book is also available, to be printed out.
- Where There is No Doctor
- A village health care handbook by David Werner, revised English edition, may 1992. Published by The Hesperian Foundation, PO Box 1692,
Palo Alto, CA 94302. Intended to assist those in third world countries, the book is comprehensive and assumes no doctor's assistance is
possible. An Online Book is also available, to be printed out.
- Your Own Perfect Medicine
- By Ms. Martha Christy. Colloidal Silver. Ms. Christy compiled her research and experiences into a 250 page book called which can be ordered
for $21.90 by sending check or money order to FutureMed, Inc. Box 14161, Scottsdale, AZ 85267 or by calling (800) 800-8849.