Books on Electrical Energy
- [The] The 12 volt Bible and The 12 volt Doctor
- How to operate on 12 Volts.
- Alternator Secrets
- $4.50 How to modify car alternators to work with windmills.
- Back to Basics
- by Reader's Digest, shows a methane digester and a storage tank for methane.
- Battery Book for Your PV Home
- By Fowler Solar Electric for about $8.00. It's short, concise and well worth the money. There is a really good discussion on batteries in the book.
- Brakedrum Windmill Plans 2000
- by Hugh Piggott. $14.95
- [The] Complete Battery Book
- By Richard A Perez. Published by Tab Books Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214. ISBN 0-8306-1757-4 (paperback). 185 pages, illustrated. Written for
the layman. Talks about what is a battery, lead acid, ni- cad, edison cells, primary cells, methods and machines to charge, using batteries effectively,
inverters, energy management, and new battery technologies (the book was written in 1985), formulae and conversion factors. Will teach you the basics of
batteries. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Die Technik
- A German book containing 290 diagrams explaining how everything from an iron to a nuclear reactor works. Where this book is in German and the 608
pages of text may require some translation, it is highly recommended for those who may have to make it work, with or without instruction. Distributed by
Langenscheidt Publishers, Inc., 46- 35 54th Rd., Maspeth, NY 11378, $35, (800) 432-6277.
- Direct Current Fundamentals
- By Orla E. Loper and Edgar Tdsen. Publisher Delmar Publishers Inc., 2 Computer Drive West, PO Box 15-015, Albany, New York 12212. ISBN
#0-8273-4146-6. More of a text book but very needed information. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on
- [The] Electricians Toolbox Manual
- By Rex Miller, 1989, published by ARCOS/Simon and Schuster, distributed by Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-247701- 7. A small sized book full of good
information on electrical wiring. Seems especially good for do-it- yourselfers who are unsure about the specifics of wiring. Section on tools, NEC, etc.
Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank, How to Make Cheap, Clean Fuel from Free Vegetable Oil
- By Joshua Tickell, from Greanteach publishing of Sarasota, Florida. Step by step instructions. If you are serious about learning all the ins and outs of this
alternative energy source, it is very cheap at 19.95, and very well written for details.
- The Homebuilt Dynamo
- $50, from England. A Diary with photographs, detailed working drawings, and text of how to build a direct current generator.
- Home Power Magazine
- Magazine and catalogs from renewable energy dealers for energy needs.
- How Electronic things work ... and What to do When They Don't
- By Robert Goodman. It covers very basic electronics, but also things like TVs, VCRs, radios etc.
- How to Build and Operate Your Own Small Hydroelectric Plant
- By George Butler. Covers obtaining material, building the dam and laying the pipe, building the powerhouse, the economics of small scale micro-hydro, and
examples of small hydros. Appendix of DOE reports and guide to hydropower equipment manufacturers and hardware suppliers.
- Hydraulic Ram Pumps - How and Where They Work
- (ISBN 0-9631526-2-9). It describes how to design, build, and install a simple, efficient hydraulic ram pump. ...
- Independent Energy Guild
- Order from Backwoods Home Magazine (800) 835-2418, 280 pages, $22.95. A guide to planning the ideal independent power system for your home,
boat, or RV. Covers the basic theory, as well as the nuts and bolts of AC and DC, photovoltaics, wind, water, generators, energy storage, system
operation, and more.
- Living on 12 Volts with Ample Power
- By David Smead and Ruth Ishihaha. Published by RIDES publishing company, 2442 NW Market Street #43, Seattle, Washington 98107, USA. ISBN
87-92194. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- More Power To You
- How to operate on 12 Volts.
- Motors as Generators for Micro-Hydro Power
- By Nigel Smith. Available from Pico Turbine for $14.95, shipping included. How to convert a 3 phase AC motor to work as a generator. Very informative
and easily read, and full of information for home brew hydro power. Illustrated step by step plans for building a 300 to 500 watt wind turbine using junked
car and truck. These plans have been used all over the world to build simple but reliable wind machines that stand the test of time and weather extremes.
- Pumps as Turbines, a User's Guide
- $13.95 How to take a water pump and turn it into a hydro-electic generator.
- Real Goods
- Environmentally friendly products and alternative energy. 966 Mazzoni Street, Ukiah, CA 95482-3471, (800) 762-7325, Fax: (707) 468-9486.
- [The] Solar Boat Book
- How to operate on 12 Volts.
- Survival Scrapbook #3 ENERGY
- By Stefan A. Szczelkun. ISBN 0-8052-0449-0. This is a good book on basic ways to use/make energy from a variety of sources including sections on
solar, wind, fires, water, heat, electricity generation, animal power, and meditation. This book has a very good section on bio-fuels, especially the extraction
of methane from wastes. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Wind Energy Basics
- $17.95 How to choose and place your windmill. How to build windmills in general.
- Wind Energy for Sustainable Development
- Published in 1992 by the American Wind Energy Association, Washington D.C.
- Wind Power Workshop
- By Hugh Piggot. Has information about the construction of horizontal axis wind generators, along with blade construction, hub construction, pitch
mechanisms, and much more. Mr. Piggot is a tried and true expert on the construction of home made wind generators.
- Windspinners
- By M. Hackleman. Mr. Hackleman's Wind and WindSpinners is full of the pertinent information one is most likely to need. There are chapters which explain
how to construct a rotor from 50 gallon drums cut in half, from top to bottom. This chapter also shows how to place them in a stacked array for better
performance and ease in starting. Another chapter shows how to put together a charging system and battery bank for domestic consumption. Highly
regarded in the windmill field.
- Wiring 12 Volts For Ample Power
- How to operate on 12 Volts.
- Whole Earth Catalog
- Offers a Catalog full of environmentally friendly tools and supplies. One can order the Catalog in paper form, also.
- Wind Power for Home and Business
- Order from Backwoods Home Magazine (800) 835-2418, 414 pages, $38. A comprehensive guide to modern wind machines, featuring rugged, low-cost
designs suitable for homes, businesses, and ranches, both on and off the grid. It shows how to measure the wind and how to choose, install, and operate
your system.
- Wind Power Workshop
- by Hugh Piggot. $22.95