- July 8 SunRISE in Ontario : 3 minutes EARLY
- From Toronto Ontario Canada, July 8 2003, clear blue sky: 9 AM = 3 min early
- July 8 SunRISE in Florida : 20 minutes LATE
- First: sunrises have been late 20 minutes for days now, but no changes as of yet midday or sunset in Florida
- July 8 NOON in Ontario : 2 minutes LATE
- From Toronto Ontario Canada, July 8 2003, clear blue sky: 10 AM = 2 min. early, 11 AM = 1 min early, 12 noon = 1 min late, 1 PM = 2 min late
- July 8 NOON in Virginia : 12 minutes LATE
- The Noon Sun was 12 minutes late in VA on 7/8 and on 7/7. Interestingly, according to the compass, true noon occurred on 7/8 at 1:05 PM ... 5
minutes LATER than on 7/7.
- July 8 SunSET in Virginia : 23 minutes EARLY
- An extremely bright Sun set in VA 23 minutes EARLY on 7/8. This Sunset was breathtaking with wide, white, searchlight-like rays shooting across
an azure blue sky tinged with pink dust. The Sun--at times hidden behind a tall, vertical, white cloud--created a cathedral in the sky outlined with
shades of pink and green. I am experiencing sheer awe as I behold Planet X's approach.
- July 8 SunSET in Missouri : 7 minutes EARLY
- Sun went down 7 minutes early, with a strong pull again to the right. Color was intense yellow, hard to look at, then changing to orange pink.
Pink haze at sunset, then a few minutes later, saw pink clouds of various hues all around the horizon!
- July 8 SunSET in Ontario : 11 minutes LATE
- From Toronto Ontario Canada, July 8 2003, clear blue sky: 2 PM = 3 min late, 3 PM = 5 min late, 4 PM = 7 min late, 5 PM = 9 min late, 6PM =
11 min late (last read'g) The sun was casting a longer shadow throughout the day.