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July 2 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 19 minutes LATE
My official sun report for July 2, 2003 is as follows: State sunrise 6:11AM; Actual sunrise 6:30AM
July 2 SunRISE in Missouri : 44 minutes LATE
I had to get up and drive a distance to see the sunrise horizon this morning. It was 44 minutes late! That's for July 2nd. I think I told you that sunset was 9 minutes early July 1st!
July 2 SunRISE in Ontario : 3 minutes EARLY
From Toronto Ontario Canada readings are as follow: from 8 AM to 10 AM, its 3 minutes early.
July 2 NOON in Ontario : 0 minutes
From Toronto Ontario Canada readings are as follow: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, it's almost zero
July 2 NOON in Unknown : 9 minutes LATE
I found the earths rotation was 9 minutes off in accordance to my computer. I felt obligated to tell as many people as I could so I joined this forum right away that night. I also e-mailed many people with these same findings including a famous astro-phsysics professor.
July 2 SunSET in Ontario : 6 minutes LATE
From Toronto Ontario Canada readings are as follow: at 6 PM its 6 minutes late.