Dance Around the Atlantic Rift
June 5, 2003
By June 5, 2003 the S. Pole had picked up from a slow bobble of swirling magma to an agitated bobble, and an offset bobble not only in Norway,
which had been present for days, but also in Hockley, TX was obvious, tension at the sides of the Atlantic Rift, and the S. Pole which is the closest
pole to the approaching Planet X. Why Hockley Cty, TX? The SE United States is supposed to be pulled down 150 feet during the rotation
stoppage, up to Pennsylvania where this drop stops. This implies separating within the N. Atlantic Plate, within fault lines. Hockley, TX is a live
seismograph east of the the Continental Divide. Draw a line from Hockley to Norway, both showing offset bobble to the S. Pole's agitated bobble,
and the division at Pennsylvania is seen. This tension in the crust parallels the early steps in the crust adjustments described in Scripted Drama.
S Pole, Antartica (agitated bobble)
 | 1.As the South Pole, gripped by the
passing North Pole of the 12th Planet,
moves north, the crust is torn from the
core and freed in this way, allows
pre-existing stress points to relax. ... |
Kongsberg, Norway (offset timing)
 | Thus, Europe and Africa
move further east, allowing
the Atlantic to rip apart,
during the slide northward. |
Hockley Cty, TX (offset timing)
 | 6.When the ocean off the
Bulge of Brazil has reached
the position of the current
North Pole, ... The major
northern hemisphere plates
stop, and whatever follows
crashes into them. ... this
causes Central America and
the Caribbean to crumble. |