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Der Teilchenfluss, der sich als Röntgenstrahlen manifestiert, wird vom Menschen dazu benutzt, den menschlichen Körper sowie zahlreiche Anwendungen in der Industrie zu untersuchen. Sie bewegen sich langsam, und werden leicht gestoppt, und nisten sich im Knochen ein, anstatt durchzugehen, wobei sie durch diese Abwesenheit ein Bild vom Knochen malen. Der Mensch beobachtet, dass die Röntgenstrahlen in Schüben passieren, wobei sie aus den Sonnen und der Sonne in ihrem Sonnensystem, ab und zu, in unverkennbaren Mustern explodieren. Was verursacht diesen natürlichen Ausbruch? Die Menschen entdecken, dass sie Röntgenstrahlen durch den selben Vorgang auslösen - anregen - können, durch den sie auch Elektronen anregen, und finden sie zusammen mit Blitzen. Auch die Hitze- und Lichtteilchen werden so ausgelöst, sowie die magnetischen Teilchen, aber diese Teilchen kann man in der Natur auch ohne die Präsenz von Elektronenflüssen finden. Es gibt kaltes Licht, und Hitze ohne Licht, Magnete ohne ekektrische Ladung, und Strom ohne Magnetismus oder Hitze oder Licht. Sie sind unabhängige Teilchen, obwohl sie von den selben Vorgängen beeinflusst werden können.
Wenn Röntgenstrahlen vom Knochen leicht gestoppt werden können, jedoch durch If X-Rays can be stopped readily by bone yet pass through soft tissue, then their bond with atoms is readily available, and common. This is not the case with the particles that compose what man understands to be electrons, which leave readily and go on the move, such that children can excite them by scuffing their feet across a rug. Where heat particles can be excited by mechanical means, rubbing, light seems to man to require a chemical change such as occurs in fireflies or fire. That all these particles are excited by the same process that gets electrons on the move should not be surprising, as electron particle flows are an onslaught.
So can man assume, as some have, that the Sun reverses its magnetic field periodically, because during solar cycles the
X-Rays emitted by the Sun are emerging from a different spot on the surface? As X-Rays are so readily stopped that
pictures of bone and even the placement of soft tissue can be made, why would they not be stopped by the placement of
matter within the swirling core of the Sun? X-Rays are generated homogeneously within the Sun, as is heat and light, but
the particle flow is affected during its passage outward by the matter it encounters. Is this not the case with light, which can
be readily bent during its passage through water or blocked entirely by walls? Is this not the case with heat, which likewise
can be blocked or absorbed by material, or transmitted and passed along? This is certainly the case with X-Rays, which
announced themselves to mankind by their very ability to be readily stopped by almost any material put in their way!
Magnetism particles are not so readily stopped, however, and thus the phenomena of magnetic fields surrounding planets
and their suns, reaching far beyond this to encompass the solar system and more. Man finds he can create confusion in a
magnetic field, at least temporarily, by deflecting the flow of magnetic particles with other magnetic particles. Take the
confusion away and the magnetic field has re-established itself. Magnetic particles are on the move, constantly, where other
particles are not so fluid or mobile. Thus, the Sun’s magnetic field is independent of any other particle flow, and persists in
a constant state regardless of how other particles may be blocked or directed within the Sun.